Welcome to the Mumba Children's Project website.

Based in the UK our Mission is to facilitate and support the needs of children in, but not limited to, Africa by providing at least one meal per day, clean water, education and healthcare.

We welcome your comments, suggestions and support in the form of Donations or Volunteering.

Please feel free to contact us!

In spite of the Covid we have been busy...

to keep up with all the latest new from the Mumba Children's Project... we're now adding our Facebook Feed to the Home page, so that our activities are clear and accessible to you!



Mumba Children's Project News

Thank You Hamstel Junior School

In the video below the, the children of the Mumba Children's Project School in Mpongwe, Zambia, say thank you to the Children of Hamstel School Southend, for their kind donation of books!

Testimonial to the value of the Mentorship Programme

In the video below the, Lady Ruth Musakabantu Punza provides her testimonial to the work of the Mumba Children's Project's Mentorship Programme