Our Ambassadors
Our Ambassadors are truly remarkable and very generous people, giving up their time to work for us on key projects as Volunteers, or to promote our Charity and our aspiration to do good in the world, starting with a diversity of projects at the Mumba Children's Project Centre in Mpongwe, Zambia. Africa...
Some of our volunteers spend their own resources in undertaking project research, or designing project which they lead for us, others lend their professional expertise... and all support project central to the Charity's Mission.

Empowering Women Ambassador
Anita is an Ambassador for World Vision and supports children in Africa. As part of her work for World Vision, Anita is asked to go around and talk to people about the work done by World Vision. "Nearly two years ago I started talking to Hildah at an event because she was displaying pictures from Africa and I was interested in what she was doing". "In my business life I try to improve women's self esteem because I know this empowers them". Having run charity projects in the past, Anita asked Hildah if there was something specific I could do to improve well-being in her home village, (and location of the Mumba Children's Project Centre) something personal to make women feel good about themselves as that is Anita's thing... It is at this point that Hildah told Anita that not having underwear was a real issue and women had no underwear or bought it second hand.
As Anita had run lots of campaigns in the past, she came up with the idea of calling her campaign at that time, Knickers for Africa. She set about designing posters with the help of a graphic artist and her campaign was up and running. She contacted all her friends and clients who came up trumps! Anita runs the The Big Knicker Campaign and Sanitary Towel Project independently, reporting back to Hildah.
Over the past two years with the support of her friends and clients she has collected several hundred pairs of knickers and somewhere along the line her friends decided to call her The Knicker Lady. It is a useful tag and one which gets her work for the Mumba Children's Project and the project itself noticed. Off the back of the original question to Hildah two years or so ago, about knickers, it came to Anita attention to investigate sanitary pads. "When I realised that the women did not use them (obviously if they don't have knickers they can't use pads)". She researched all over the world before she discovered the man in India who made a cheap little machine for making them. Anita and her family cancelled their holiday last summer, and instead she went to India for 4 days to investigate. Anita feels her job is to raise the money necessary to set up the project in Zambia. When the money is raised it will be handed over to the project leaders in Mpongwe to build the factory and establish the business.
Click here for the Empowering Women ~ Big Knicker Campaign
Click Here for the Empowering Women ~ Sanitary Towel Project