Miss Malaika

The Mumba Children’s Project has been running the Miss Malaika Pageant annually since 2005; as a platform for the youth both girls and boys to realize their potential be it in music, creative art, public speaking, charitable or philanthropic work.
Contestants of the Miss Malaika Pageant are heavily involved in fundraising for their nominated charities as well as performing the duty of good-will ambassadors for the communities, regions and countries they represent. Miss Malaika Pageant contestants are also actively involved in a variety of education and awareness programmes in rural and remote parts of their native countries.
In addition to enabling the young women who compete to elevate themselves through the opportunities offered by the Pageant, the young women get to travel, meet peers from other parts of the world which offers the opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of cultural diversity the needs and challenges of others.
As for the young men, involved with this Miss Malaika Charity Pageant, many have going on to carve out careers for themselves in the music industry.

Join Miss Malaika UK
"Beauty Of African Origin" on our Facebook Group
to find out more about current events and the achievements of our young women.
Here are a few photos from our Facebook Archive ...

Miss Malaika Entrants 2010 celebrate International Women's Day at South Essex College with an African Inspired Fashion Show and Raise Awareness for the work done by the Mumba Children's Project in both the UK and Africa

Miss Malaika UK and Miss Malaika Botswana arriving at the Charity Dinner in Gaborone Botswana

One of our Miss Malaika Pageant Queens, helping out with the children at the Mumba Children's Project Centre, Mpongwe, Zambia.
Our Pageant Queens are know for their charitable work and supporting the education of the next generation of young African people.

Another year and a new class of Miss Malaika UK entrants visit the children at the Mumba Children's Project Centre in Mpongwe Zambia

Each year the Mumba Children's Project Center in Mpongwe, Zambia is visited by Miss Malaika UK entrants who always make time to spend time with the children,
educating and inspiring them!

A photo from one of our more recent UK Pageants