he women who help look after the children voluntarily – we salute them!

The Mumba Day Care Centre women were the beneficiaries of the High Tea Fundraiser held on the 24th of March have decided to start rearing chickens with the money that was raised. Providing meat and eggs, this will add to the nutritional quality of the food we are able to provide for the children’s meal.
A lovely lady (a good friend) donated £100, two sisters who are acquaintances donated £ 15 and one young lady who shares our dream and passion, did not attend but instead donated £25.
Dear friends, £140 will start off the ladies with the purchase of chicks, feed, feeders etc.
They are making their own bricks, I (Hildah Mulenga) donated iron sheets and they will take turns in looking after the chickens.
Follow how your donation will be used here in our blog or on our facebook page.
Inspired? Want to help make the world a better place?
Please contact us either through facebook or website.
Every year since 2008, the Mumba Children’s Project has hosted High Tea as a Fundraising event to help purchase materials and pay for the building of the permanent School House at our centre in Mpongwe.
The Theme for this years’ High Tea is – Empowering Women, and will be held at our favorite Southend Venue:Park Inn Palace Hotel, on 24th of March,
Time 14.30hrs for 15.00hrs start
Please join us here in Southend-on-Sea we will use the Pierview suite overlooking the sea/pier gorgeous view.
Only £20/head
Dress code:Very dressy hats, fascinators and all after all it is High Tea!
Photos courtesy of Ivy Owusu of Nfoni Creations
One of the sponsored youth called Chilekwa is now in the boarding school enjoying studying in the comfort of his dormitory and we hope to sponsor more youth in this manner.
Would you like to be part of one child’s/youth’s life and make a positive change in their life?
Just £150.00 per term can pay for the boarding school fee, uniform, food and toiletries.
Please contact us if you are touched by this and make a difference.
Every penny counts!