Kitchen Garden Project
It's not just the children and youth that are learning and encouraged to grow the food they eat - the women of Mpongwe have been brought together through the Mumba Children's Project to start and maintain their Community Kitchen Garden, at the Mumba Children's Project Centre in Mpongwe.
It is through the Community Kitchen Garden Project that we ensure that every child has at least one-meal a day. To be able to feed the children free-of-charge, we rely on the women of the village who volunteer to help us, help their children.
The Kitchen garden also provides extra income to the women and the community at large as any surplus is sold, so that staple food items we can not grow through the project can be purchased. This we have found adds to the economy and general well-being of the community.

As part of the education programme offered by the Mumba Children's Project, the children are being taught to grow their own food.

Women working together in the Community Garden at the Mumba Children's Project Centre...

The Children's growing programme has done very well this year - the crops they are growing are thriving and it won't be long till the children can harvest.

The Women's maize crop is outstanding this year - it won't be much longer before the women prepare for the harvest and utilise the diversity of what they can do with maize.
Future Kitchen Garden Developments
It is our aspiration to acquire an adjoining plot of land to start a small community farm, which will teach agricultural skills as well as animal husbandry and create sustainable employment for the village - to achieve this aim, we need your help...